2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: G/2-244 Category: G/2 Country: Hungary
Computerised medical information connection system
1. The Invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    Developing computerised information connection system between medical institutions in order to promote hospital and territorial medical attendance with methods of information technology.
  • Definition:
    Software for telemetrical data transmission system to provide professional management for medical teams working at different locations. The system covers transmission of all sorts of medical information.
    An internationally compatible, up-to-date computerised information system, which meets the latest therapeutic and diagnostic demands, ensures modern economic management covering a region or a whole country.
  • Presentation:
    A computerised information system, which can be developed dynamically and consists of the following parts established between extremities in hospitals and outside of hospitals:
    ECG consultation system
    Laboratory program system
    Radiography consultation system
    Ultrasound consultation system
    CT consultation system
    Dermatological consultation system
    Histological consultation system
    Consultation system for documentary materials
    The language of the programs meets the demands of the actual professional demands and the hardware.


  • Application: The system can be used by family and factory doctors, ambulances, health institutions, travel modalites (airplanes, ships, trains) and even by laypeople with known heart diseases.
  • Advantages:
    The application of the system provides the same professional, diagnostic and therapeutic standard of high quality at all levels of health care even in the smallest settlement.
    The system makes it possible to run an efficient and economical health care system which is easy to follow up informatically. The system covers all fields of health care services including the supplementary activities.
  • Stage of development: Actually the system is operational.
  • Documentation available: yes.


2. The inventor(s) 

Name: Dr. László ZSONDA

  • Self introdution: Dr. László Zsonda is an internal specialist and pathologist. He is leader physician at the Emergency Department of Jósa András County Hospital in Nyíregyháza, Hungary.

3. The protection

  • Form: Exhibition priority.
  • Priority: 4/5/2000
  • Countries where it is in force:

4. Business intention

Marketing of the system all over the world.

5. Contact

Name: Dr. László ZSONDA
E-mail: monafax@elender.hu
Phone/Fax: +36 42- 465 000

Address: MONA-SYSTEM Kft, Szent I. u. 57. fsz. 1., Nyíregyháza 4400, Hungary