2nd Inventors' Olympiad - GENIUS 2000 Budapest, Virtual Exhibition

Registry number: G/2-158 Category: G/2 Country: Hungary
Sniper Training System
The invention
  • The problem to be solved:
    Professional training of snipers
  • Definition:
    It is a mobile system, which can be assembled in any shooting range or in any building within a short time. With the system the snipers can practice with their own weapons, with service ammunitions, among circumstances similar to reality. The area target is symbolized by a building model, in which targets can be moved with remote control with different speed, so the task of the snipers is to hit the targets through the window opening.
  • Presentation:
    The parts of Sniper Training System are put into a trailer built especially for this purpose. The main part of the system is a self-assembly target moving set, which moves one or more targets with different speed, with remote control. The target moving set is placed into a building model. The building model is a module-like one, and resists the weather. The target moving set and the subsidiary sets, like the lighting, the curtain moving automation can be operated from a central operation unit - which can be even of 500 meters far from the building model - with remote control. The pictures of the camera placed in front of the building model are transmitted by a microwave set to the monitor of the remote control unit. On the monitor the movement of the targets can be followed with attention, and the shots can be recorded by a video recorder. The targets are dummies made of special material, and they withstand several hundreds of shots with ammunitions of great calibre rifles. The dummies can be masked and dressed. In order to be similar to reality the building model can be assembled with different window forms and glasses. Computer data processing and analysing software also belongs to the system. The software contains a complete training program, it records the results, processes them, and in case of a real action for any situation it can choose the most suitable sniper. Every exercise with the system can be considered as an action.


  • Application: Police, military
  • Advantages:
    It provides complex drillings for the snipers of special police and military units, which contains the development of marksmanship, observing, concentration and target selecting skills. Every exercise can be considered as an action. Circumstances are similar to reality, which can not be provided with other means. The system provides the recording of the exercises to video, so later it is possible to analyse them, furthermore the system has a computer database managing, analysing software.
  • Stage of development: Prototype, which has been tested.
  • Documentation available: Yes
The inventor(s)
  • Name(s): Lajos NEBEHAJ, Zoltán SZILÁGYI, József SEBŐK
  • Self introduction:
    As the members of the Hungarian Police the system has been developed as a result of work of several years.
The protection
  • Form: Patent application (P 97 00945)
  • Priority:
  • Countries where it is force: Hungary
Business intention: Co-operation: in the field of producing, distribution and development.
  • Name: HK-SECURITY Kft
  • E-mail: hksec@matavnet.hu
  • Fax: +361-290 5522
  • Phone: +361-290 6090
  • Address: H-1184 Budapest, Benedek Elek u. 9-11., Hungary